Today I decide to open up a blog page. Let's see what happens.
My name is Rachel,
I work from home.
I'm a mom. I'm a sister.
I'm very young minded, I'm okay with that.
I eat way too much.
I am part Mexican and part Filipino. I only speak English.
I love Lisa Frank. <3 Pumpkin foods <3 Cameos <3 Kitty cats <3 Lucky Charms <3 My Ipod <3 Purple and rainbow <3 Bubblegum Ice Cream <3 Wine <3 I make stuff. That is what makes me calm- happy. I usually love to write. I hope I do this often. It relieves stress.
I take risks, I have failed with many things. I don't like rules, Yet I enforce many in my home. I am a bossy girl.
I just dyed my hair a cool color.
I have a siamese pussycat.
We live in hot California. I hate the heat very much so.
I have a sweet tooth. I love candy, cupcakes, ice cream and coffee.
I am a bad girl. I talk back and I don't listen to anyone.
I do not iron.
I don't care about pretty false nails or name branded overpriced ugly purses. I want to travel the Earth. If I could travel safely, then I would go anywhere.
I am cooking rice and chicken tonight for dinner.
We do not drink soda or eat fast food ever.
This is the end of my first day on the job of this blog.