My Octopus necklace is inspired from her creation process shown in her book. Still different, but you can see how she's helped me put this together. These are not thorough instructions. It is just a simple way of saying what I did. Buy Jane's book for a better understanding of how to create your own look.
I separated a long strand of twine. I would have liked to have another thread, but didn't have anything at the time. You can try other threads if you like.

I found chain I wanted to use and braided the twine adding random beads along the way. I also had broken chain from another project that I linked together as well.

I drilled holes at the top of my finished pendant. I used a thin drill bit, and went straight through the back.
I used head pins through the drilled holes, then made a loop in the front to connect my chain. I will clean up the back of the pendant with a solid color resin, to hide my work and sanding.

I really wanted to add more twine, I thought it would bring a fish net look to my sea themed piece. Maybe next time I won't unravel each strand. Live and learn, yes?
I wish the dimension showed more in the photo. Here is the finished piece. The octopus is a glittery sea green with foil like eyes. An anchor sits in the front and real sea shells mixed into the glittery gold sand. I might add extra twine. tonight. :0)